We're excited to say that we are adding to our family, we will be a family of four!!! I'm currently 15 1/2 weeks making the baby due on March 22nd! We are all very excited for the new addition! Brayden often asks various questions like "mommy, what's the baby doing in there?" and "mommy, is the baby naked in your tummy?" All very valid questions a 3 1/2 year old would ask! He also says it's a girl but calls it a he, so he's just as sure as we are about the sex! But as soon as we find out, we'll let you know! This pregnancy has been a little bit different from Brayden's. There have been a lot of days on the couch so far and a lot of rest. As some of you know, there have been some complications along the way. I've been spotting and bleeding off and on since about 9 weeks. It's been called many different things - retro placental bleed, abruption, subchorionic hemorrhage. Basically, I've been bleeding every few days which has created a clot between the layers of the placenta and my uterine wall. I believe this clot/bleed has been there for awhile because we saw a pocket of fluid on my very first ultrasound around 6 1/2 weeks. It's causing a portion of the placenta to be detached from my uterine wall, which means that portion of the placenta is unable to give the baby any nutrients. Thankfully it appears that its just the tip of the placenta that isn't attached and prayerfully the clot won't get any larger - which is one of the reasons I've been on modified bed rest for the past 3 weeks. I've started quite the photo album for baby #2 because every time I go to the doctor (1-2 times a week) I get an ultrasound! And Praise The Lord, the baby looks good, he/she is very active and measures appropriately with my due date! Ryan and I are resting in The Lord and His Will for us and the baby. We believe in prayer and the power of prayer. When I first found out I had this condition, I went to one of my doctors partners on a Monday September 17th and he told me that it was a medium sized clot that could cause the placenta to pull away from the uterine wall at any time, which would mean that the baby would no longer be here, but in heaven. It was a pretty scary prognosis, but Ryan and I trust in God and prayed and asked our family and friends to pray. And when God's people pray, things happen. That was on Monday, on Wednesday September 19th I went in for another ultrasound with my actual physician and the clot had shrunk to a very small size, so small he had difficulty locating it!!! Praise God!!! Unfortunately, the clot is still there and still bleeding occasionally, but not as bad. I know that we serve an amazing God. A God who heals. A God who is faithful. We trust in Him, this is His child. He gave us this precious little baby for a reason. Is it to show how great the power of prayer is? Is it to prove His faithfulness? We don't know, we just trust that everything is in His unwavering, almighty hands. "He guides me along the right paths for His name's sake." I'm currently on a medication called progesterone that hopefully will boost my placenta to stop the bleed and absorb the clot on it's own. I go for another ultrasound on Tuesday October 9th. Until then, we'll be praying, will you please pray with us.
Psalm 23
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